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City of Richmond

50 N 5th Street, Richmond, IN, 47374, US

Request for a Mayoral Proclamation

Mayoral proclamations are generally issued in the City of Richmond at the request of local residents or organizations to recognize the importance of community events, significant achievements by residents, and to acknowledge local, regional or national events.

Mayoral proclamations typically must have a specific connection to Richmond.

It is the mayor’s policy to not overlap proclamations; therefore a specific day cannot be a proclamation for both “Mr. John Smith Day” and “Mrs. Patty Jones Day” – or a specific week cannot be both “Donut Week” and “Donate Blood Week” – or a specific month cannot be both “Butterfly Month” and “Safety Month.” All appropriate requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

After we have received your request form, we will check the proclamation calendar to see if the date you’re requesting is available. We will contact you either way to let you know.

Proclamations requested at least 4-6 weeks in advance have the best chance of being completed and provided to the requestor by a specific date. 

You must provide the draft language for your proclamation. In order to have your proclamation fit correctly within the design format, please provide only four or five "whereas" statements for your proclamation. The Mayor’s Office has final approval on all proclamation verbiage and reserves the right to edit all draft proclamation language. 

If you have changes to the proclamation language you originally submitted, please request any changes to that language within two (2) days after the date it was originally submitted. After we have produced the proclamation, we will be unable to change it. To request these changes, please email the Mayor's Office.

One signed, original, official proclamation is provided. Proclamations are printed on 8.5" x 11" official paper with the City Seal and the mayor’s signature.

Please make arrangements to pick up your signed proclamation at the Mayor’s Office before the event. The Mayor's Office does not mail original proclamations.


Contact Information

Proclamation Details

Deadline Date

Date Picker

Is the Deadline at least 4 weeks from Today's Date?